Planting Leafy Greens In Summer's Full Sun

Apparently "mixed lettuces thrive in mild weather with consistent moisture" and like to be kept in full sun during the Spring, however it may be too hot in full sun during the Summer- this is the information I got from the packet which my mixed baby green seeds came from, my immediate question was 1. What do they mean by mild weather?  And 2. How hot is hot for the mixed baby greens during Summer?  So while it seemed at first the packet gave helpful information it actually wasn't very helpful at all, just very general.

But it is Summer in good old Southern California and my best guess is that the full sun in California Summer is going to be too hot.  So I planted the mixed baby green seeds into an old sink, this makes it mobile, should I find that they are getting too much sun or not enough sun I can move the whole planter elsewhere, albeit a bit heavy.  While I have set the planter out in a space in my yard that gets full sun for at least half a day I have decided to err on the side of safety from burning the poor little babies and have shielded them with a window screen found in the yard, so while they are getting full sun they do have a bit of protection.

The old window screen has worked great so far with no problems, it is light enough to handle yet heavy enough to keep in place, the screen also keeps all the critters away especially the birdies that love to eat the seeds and also allows cool air to still pass through whilst doing all these other things.

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